Friday, July 7, 2006

letter from camp #3

Camp is my sanctuary. God is all around me - I can feel the presence resonate throughout by body. With every breath of air, sip of water, bite of food, word I speak and word I pray, my connection becomes tighter, stronger and closer to God. When I sing, I know that it was God's blessing to me. I know from the joy I feel that singing Hebrew songs and speaking those sacred words is what I want to do. I want to study Torah and learn how to read and chant it, and help other people to learn and chant it too.
Here at camp it's cool to help out in services, discuss Torah, run around like crazy when you hear that limud (Torah study) is going to be extended another half hour.
The energy you get here is so strong that it pulses through you. It's contagious. You can't stop it, and I want to bring it back home with me.
No one cares if you like sports. They care if you are crazy enough to stand up and start singing Michamocha to the tune of "In the Jungle". It's cool to be Jewish and to run around singing songs from services. It's cool to be yourself.
This is Neverland, somewhere over the rainbow, a magical place. It's unbelievable. I'm connected to all the other girls in a way that is like none other. I want so badly to come back next year and to join NFTY so I can see all my new friends. They're all in NFTY too.

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