Friday, June 2, 2006


So you walk into this room, you've been here a couple of times so you know your way around. A couple of other kids come into the room, they look about your age, but you're not quite sure. An adult steps into the room, she introduces herself and hands out music. You don't know this music, but she tells you that you're going to be learning it. You feel insecure in this place with all these other people around you, but you follow everyone else. You don't want to name yourself the baby of the group.
A few months later, this is just a memory. We walk into the room together, laughing and smiling, having a good time. The director is there - we warm up and start to sing. All around us everything else is quiet except for the sound of the piano and 14 wonderful voices. The first song ends, we are all silent, listening to the stillness around us. Tears fall down my face. G-d surely must have given us this gift. I can see I'm not the only one crying. We all connect through those silent tears. We start another song, just as beautiful and just as moving. We keep our faith as strong as our voices. We tell the story. The tears keep falling down our faces as we sing. From a distance it looks as if we are very upset, but if you looked closer you'll see the smiles on our faces. We cry tears of happiness and rejoice in the music we make when we come together.
We are not G-d, we are not angels.
We are HaZamir.

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