Sunday, September 3, 2006


All my life I've wanted to be something I'm not. A popstar, actor, famouse, popular, a model, a dancer, a music genious. The one thing that has always stayed the same about all of these is that I know I can't be any of these, I wasn't ment to be any of them. Throught the years though, one of these fantasies has always stayed with me, to become a famous singer. I've shed my tears and told my sad stories about how I can do it if I could only have a chance. I know i'm to late to be saying anything, I'm like any other girl, I know that I have basically no chance of making it, or getting a record deal. I tried to think of things that might make me different from the rest of the people that want to get a record deal too, i'm just like them, what so special about me? There's bound to be someone with a better voice than me, more talented than me and who have better chances than me. As childish as this dream is, i've held on to it for so long. I'm not ready to let it go just yet. Music has helped me in so many ways and i still want to believe that the world has a place for me to shine where the rest of my idols are. For me to reach this place would be so hard, and if I did make it, the entertainment world is cruel and harsh, people don't except you at first, they stare at you, wanting to know who you are trying to take the spot light, it's harsh. People want to know everything about you. They analize everything you do, say, wear, and make trying to find something to criticise you about. The funny part about this is that for as horrible as this sounds, i want to be there. I want to be known and hear myself on the radio, be in a studio for long hours recording songs until i'm ready to fall asleep, work hard on coriography, balance touring and school, i want all that. Thousands of other people are saying that it's there place, and i know that by me saying it's my place too is useless. I want it to be my place and i'm willing to work for it in anyway i must. All i need is one moment to shine, let me show the world what i can really do.

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