Thursday, September 21, 2006


"you're so grown up! You look just like your mother!" I hear these comments over and over again! I sit and wonder, why must you tell me that i look like mom? Why can't you tell me that i look like me? Everyone says that no one will ever look like you, there is only one you. So why must i be told to look like someone else? Many girls are happy to hear people compliment them about their looks, their face lights up when someone tells them " You're so beautiful!" while they bask in the glory of unimportant things such as looks, i take all my pleasure and my pride in seeing the looks on someones face when they hear something amazing i've written, or seen something beautiful that i painted. Hearing a beautiful song that i worked so hard to learn to play on the piano, or to sing. Chanting torah for the children's service or just helping out at a service and feeling a part of something amazing! The look on someones face when i've done something great or amazing is all i need to feel good. To see Naomi almost cry when she saw her bench for the first time since i'd started painting it kept me going for 2 weeks straight. She had trusted me enough to let me take something and turn it into something else, and the look of surprise and pleasure and amazment almost had me crying! The tears where there, though they didn't fall from her eye's was amazing that i had the power to make people have emotions so strong. I know that in life i don't want to be just someone who occasionally does something great, i want to excel in everything i try and do. I know this is hard to do, but i feel that if i try than i will. My gift for writing and art and singing i know will lead me to great places, but i know that i also but work hard to get to that place in life. And if the hard work in the end is as satisfieing as the look on someone's face when they hear or see something amazing i've done, you better believe that i'm going to do it, and i'm going do it to the best of my 15 year old ability and beyond.

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