Friday, May 26, 2006


It's almost here, my heart is pounding, my adrenaline is pumping through me that I can hardly contain myself, the anxiety that I have must be let out in some way. That one car pulls in, I want to rush out to meet the people who all sit in the car and then slowly pile out. I want to run up to them, hug them all, and take all the kids by the hand and say, "Come on, I've been waiting so long, let's go play!" But I can't, so I sit in the living room, trying to act calm looking through the window, watching them as they walk up the drive way,I hear the door open, Joram greets them with his usual hello, Isabelle is standing there waiting for the younger kids to follow her, the other 2 slowly enter the room in which I sit. I can hardly contain my enthusiasm, I try to cover it up by saying something weird or trying to not be active for the energy that only Fridays's give me has built up and I must spend it now. I say something to them, they laugh, and then they follow me to where ever I may lead them. More kids come in, and as more come in, more energy is given to me. I quickly become exhausted, by dinner, my energy is spent. I don't want it to come back but that first bite of the sensational food sends my adrenaline pumping madly through my entire body. This is what Fridays are like

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